"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Lucia Buricelli
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Lucia Buricelli
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Amit Elkayam
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Ilona Golovina
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Lucia Buricelli
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Eric Cederlund
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Kanishka Sonthalia
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Sharon Pulwer
"My Friend Lucia" Group Exhibition
Olavo Kuhn

My Friend Lucia

June 7th ­ June 23rd, 2019
Opening reception Friday, June 7th, 7 ­ 9 PM


The Royal is pleased to present, My Friend Lucia a group exhibition curated by Ilona Golovina featuring the work of Lucia Buricelli, Sharon Pulwer, Eric Cederlund, Amit Elkayam, Kanishka Somthalia, Ilona Golovina and Olavo Kuhn. This collection of portraits of Lucia Buricelli taken by different photographers is an interpretation of who she is and how people perceive her look and personality.

“Lucia Buricelli is a photographer and a muse, an endless source of inspiration for those around her. Lucia and her pictures are ridiculous and shameless in the best possible way.” Ilona Golovina“

Knowing Lucia and the pleasantly whimsical friend that she is, she casually yet unknowingly morphs herself into a given character, in most parts, her true self. Uncovering this gamut of personalities keeps me curious and eager to connect with her photographically.” Kanishka Sonthalia

“The way Lucia appears when she’s behind the camera is the same way she appears when she in front of it. There is something mysterious and hilarious about the way she perceives the world, as if everything is part of a show that she directs. ” Amit Elkayam

“The colors of her outfits, the playfulness, the unique character that is unifying her work and persona, makes you just want to capture a small part of who she is.” Sharon Pulwer

“Since Lucia moved in and became my roommate, our relationship got into a highway towards intimacy. We quickly became close friends, spending time together in our bedrooms, the place where we started to share our deepest feelings, ideas and crazy thoughts. We got into doing everything together and always she or me, if not both, will have our cameras in hands. ” Olavo Kuhn

Email gallery@rsoaa.com for more information.